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Healing and Health

Health, looked at from a practical and structural viewpoint, is not defined as 'an absence of disease.' Health is noted as coming with a state of well being, a state of feeling really well and happy. Health means that the body's functioning is resilient to attacks by flu, virus, bacteria, aging, etc. Normally, barring congenital issues we are born in a state of health. So somewhere in the DNA is a plan and blueprint for living in a healthy state.

Un-health occurs when the body is overwhelmed or is not able to deal with what is thrown at it, or is compromised by internal or external factors such as a toxic environment, a disease, viruses, and so on.....

Health is a function of balance in one's life and one's body, good nutrition, a good attitude, being part of a community, having empowering and supportive relationships.

With acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment we also look together at what other supportive lifestyle changes may be helpful for the person in the long run.

Remember that you are worth it, things can change for the better and that the past does not dictate the future.

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